Romanian Conservative Leader Denounces Special Pensions

Founding chairman of Romania’s Conservative Party, Dan Voiculescu, on Sunday urged the ombudsman to notify the Constitutional Court on special pensions paid to retirees and the law acts that provision them.


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Romanian Conservative Leader Denounces Special Pensions

Voiculescu said in a statement that several professional categories benefit from “discriminatory privileges: they pay lower contributions (…) and collect pensions reaching up to 100% of the gross income”, thus breaching the Constitution.
He said article 16, section 1 of Romanian Constitution stipulates all citizens are equal, without privileges and discriminations.
In addition, article 2 of Law 19/2000 on the public pension system and related social rights clearly provisions that the state “organizes and guarantees the public system based on the same rightful norms (…) and ensures indiscriminate treatment for all participants in the public system, both contributors and beneficiaries.”
Voiculescu noted the special pensions are paid directly from the state budget and that there are social categories that collect more than their contribution and the difference is covered by Romanian taxpayers.

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