Romanian Democrat Liberals, Justice Ministry Refuse To Sign Pact On Justice

Representatives of the Romanian Ministry of Justice and of the ruling coalition Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) announced Thursday, within a meeting organized at the initiative of several NGOs, that they will not sign a Pact on Justice.


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Romanian Democrat Liberals, Justice Ministry Refuse To Sign Pact On Justice

The leader of the PDL group within the Chamber of Deputies, Mircea Toader, said PDL will not sign this pact because it is a question of responsibility, and several amendments are needed.

The Ministry of Justice representative, secretary of state Gabriel Tanasescu, also said the institution will not sign this pact because the issue of protests in the justice sector needs to be solved first.

Several Romanian NGOs invited the representatives of Parliament groups, those of the Government and those of the Justice Ministry, as well as those of the professional associations of magistrates, to sign the principles for the Pact on Justice.

Talks on the Pact on Justice began two days ago and were appreciated by magistrates as "a step forward" in the conflict in justice.

Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu said Monday the Pact on Justice is "a generous idea" that the ministry supports, "but any reasonable person will accept the fact that the signing of the Pact on Justice cannot be done from one day to the next, because it involves talks with political parties and the other liberal professions".

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