Romanian Democrats To Have 13 MEPs

Romania’s Democratic Party, or PD, will send 13 MEPs to Brussels, according to the final results of the vote on Sunday, announced Wednesday by the Central Electoral Office.

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Romanian Democrats To Have 13 MEPs

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) obtained 10 mandates, the Liberal Party (PNL) - 6, the Liberal Democratic Party (PLD) - 3, the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR) – 2 and independent Laszlo Tokes - 1.
Romania’s 35 MEPs are: democrats Sorin Frunzaverde, Roberta Alma Anastase, Petru Filip, Monica Iacob-Ridzi, Marian Jean Marinescu, Maria Petre, Rares Lucian Niculescu, Marian Zlotea, Dragos Florin David, Mihaela Popa, Constantin Dumitriu, Nicodim Bulzesc, Sebastian Bodu, social democrats Titus Corlatean, Adrian Severin, Rovana Plumb, Daciana Sarbu, Catalin Nechifor, Adriana Ticau, Ioan Mircea Paşcu, Gabriela Cretu, Corina Cretu, Victor Bostinaru, liberals Renate Weber, Daniel Daianu, Adina Ioana Valean, Cristian Busoi, Ramona Nicole Msnescu, Magor Imre Csibi, liberal democrats Theodor Stolojan, Dumitru Oprea, Nicolae Vlad Popa, Hungarian minority officials Gyorgy Frunda and Csaba Sogor and independent Laszlo Tokes.
Election results will be published in Romania’s Official Gazette Thursday or Friday.
Romanian MEPs will attend their welcoming ceremony in the European Parliament on December 10.

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