Romanian Drivers, Car Dealers Stage Protests Against Triple Car Tax

Nearly 400 Romanian drivers and car dealers staged protests on Friday against the government’s recent decision to triple a tax on car registration as of December 15.


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Car owners and dealers organized marches in cities Drobeta Turnu Severin, Constanta, Ploiesti and Targu Mures, road police said.
The protesters shouted slogans such as “Down with the tax!”, “The tax of shame” and “We are Europeans!”.
No incidents were reported during the protests.
The Romanian authorities last week said will triple the pollution tax for used cars to boost new car sales and aid the local auto industry.
The government decree, which became effective on Monday, triggered a series of protests from both buyers and used-cars dealerships.
On Wednesday, the government decided to delay the tax enforcement until December 15 and said car owners who paid the increased tax will get rebates.
Romania’s car market fell roughly 30% in October.

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