Romanian Education Unionists Go Ahead With Strike On April 22

Romanian teachers affiliated with the FSLI, “Spiru Haret” and FEN trade union federations have decided to go ahead with the all-out strike announced for April 22, dissatisfied with the results of the meeting with Education Minister Daniel Funeriu.


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Romanian Education Unionists Go Ahead With Strike On April 22

Leaders of the Free Education Union Federation (FSLI), "Spiru Haret" Federation and National Education Federation (FEN) met with minister Funeriu on Tuesday to discuss the new Law on Education, and other problems in the system. FSLI secretary general Liviu Pop said afterwards that the talk's topics included Government emergency Ordinance 114, bonuses and the Decision on vocational education, but no consensus was reached on these issues.

The minister asked unionists to resume grading pupils and take part in the national exams, as refusing to do so would put them outside the law.

"We explained there is nothing illegal," Pop said, "because we are not compelled to participate in the exams if we're not paid, and also we are not compelled to grade pupils."

The FSLI leader said unless these issues are resolved soon, teachers could go on indefinite strike in late May-early June, posing a problem for the high school graduation exam scheduled for May 31.

According to the unionists, the only thing gained in the talks is a new meeting with ministry officials on the subject of bonuses, scheduled for Friday.

"When it comes to bonuses, the Education Ministry will either refuse to discuss the subject, or will do so evasively," said Tudor Spiridon, secretary general of "Spiru Haret."

Romanian education unions met last week to resume talks on the problems the education sector is currently facing, and decided to stage a one-day strike on April 22 over planned layoffs in the sector, cuts in staff spending and the draft education law.

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