Romanian Police Arrest Three Suspects In Major Cocaine Bust Case

Three of the suspects in the case of the massive cocaine transport found in Constanta Sud Agigea port, southeastern Romania, were placed under preventive arrest Sunday.


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Romanian Police Arrest Three Suspects In Major Cocaine Bust Case


According to a press release of the Constatnta Court, preventive 29-day arrest warrants were issued for suspects Antonio Alvarez Cano, Adrian Vasile Chiribau and Elena Ramona Cioroaba.
Organized crime prosecutors haven’t yet requested a preventive arrest warrant for the fourth suspect in the case.
The suspects may appeal the court’s decision within 24 hours.
Local police and prosecutors seized over one ton of cocaine in a container lying in the port since December 2008, organized crime officer Aurelian Pavel said.
Pavel said the 1.200 kilograms of cocaine found would have been worth dozens of millions of euros on the black market.
The container arrived in the Romanian port from Brazil in December and, according to customs documents, it was supposed to contain fir timber.


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