Romanian Pres Fingers Social Democrats, Liberals, Magyar Union As Crisis-Starters

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Tuesday that those who claim the need for political stability are the same ones who started the political crisis, namely those who resigned the Government “en masse” and filed the no-confidence motion that brought down the Government.


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Romanian Pres Fingers Social Democrats, Liberals, Magyar Union As Crisis-Starters

Basescu made this statement in the beginning of talks with the democrat liberals, who came to Cotroceni, the presidential palace, for consultations.

The democrat liberal delegation includes ousted Prime Minister Emil Boc and former ministers Vasile Blaga, Adriean Videanu and Elena Udrea, as well as democrat liberal vice-president Cezar Preda.

Basescu thanked Boc for the determination and courage with which he initiated certain laws.

The head of state added he wants to know the democrat liberal view on the steps that need to be taken, to which Boc replied the party wants to continue several reform projects, and another objective is political stability. Boc said he would offer further details when the media, which were there to take photos, leaves the room.

To this, Basescu replied saying that those who now claim the need for political stability are the same ones who sparked the political crisis, namely those who resigned the government "en masse" (hinting at the social democrats) and those who initiated the no confidence motion that brought down the government, hinting at the liberals and hungarian ethnic party UDMR.

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