Romanian Social Democratic Women Back Adrian Severin For EU Commissioner

Rovana Plumb, head of the women branch within Romania’s Social Democratic Party, said she will propose the party to back MEP Adrian Severin for the European Commissioner seat.


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Romanian Social Democratic Women Back Adrian Severin For EU Commissioner

Plumb said she will propose the Executive Committee of the women's branch to vote on asking the party's support for Severin for the position of EU Commissioner.

She said Romania must designate a person who can handle many responsibilities, has knowledge of the European policies and experience in the institutions of the European Union.
"I believe a European commissioner doesn't have to be a technician. What matters now is not the portfolio, but designating a person who can face up to numerous challenges," Plumb said.
Austria's former vice chancellor Wilhelm Molterer and Romania's former agriculture minister Dacian Ciolos are in the competition for the agriculture portfolio within the European Commission, held by Danish Mariann Fischer.
Romanian President Traian Basescu said Wednesday, during a meeting with Romanian diplomats at the presidential Cotroceni Palace, that Romania eyes obtaining the agriculture portfolio in the future configuration of the European Commission, adding Romania also readies a backup option.
Leonard Orban, Romania's EU Commissioner for Multilingualism, said Friday Romania's chances in getting the agriculture portfolio are difficult to estimate and what matters in the appointment of an European commissioner is not only the support of the member states, but also the personal decision of the EC president.

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