Two Romanian Businessmen In 2011 Forbes List Of Billionaires

Romanian businessmen Dinu Patriciu and Frank Timis have been included in this year’s wealthiest people list compiled by Forbes.


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Two Romanian Businessmen In 2011 Forbes List Of Billionaires

Patriciu is ranked 540th with a fortune of $2.2 billion. Last year, the businessman was ranked 437th with a similar fortune.

Frank Timis is the new Romanian entry in the Forbes list of billionaires with a fortune of $1.1 billion (1057th in the ranking).

Romanian businessmen Ion Tiriac and Ioan Nicolae have not been included in this year's list of billionaires. In 2010, they were ranked 937th and 880th respectively.

This year's Forbes list of billionaires sets two records: the number of people included - 1,210 (1,011 in 2010) and their wealth $4,500 billion. The list includes 214 new billionaires, of whom 108 come from Brazil, Russia, India and China.

Mexican businessman Carlos Slim tops the Forbes ranking with a fortune of $74 billion, up $20.5 billion compared to 2010. He is followed by Bill Gates with a fortune estimated at $56 billion, up $3 billion compared to last year, and American investor Warren Buffett with $50 billion.

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