UK Labor Party Accused Of Having Weakened Royal Navy, Warships Sold To Romania, Other Countries

The UK Labor Party, currently in government, was accused of having sold a considerable part of the British Navy's ships to several countries, including Romania, for only 580 million pounds, Daily Mail reported Tuesday in its online edition.


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UK Labor Party Accused Of Having Weakened Royal Navy, Warships Sold To Romania, Other Countries

According to the Daily Mail, back in 1997 the British Navy had 137 vessels and their number reduced to 99 after dozens of warships and submarines were sold within a spending cut program.

'Britain is a maritime nation and 92% of our trade goes by sea, so an effective Navy should be a priority for the defense of the UK," said Tory defense spokesman Liam Fox.

According to parliamentary written answers addressing the issue, the UK has sold vessels to the Philippines, Canada, Greece, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Bangladesh, Romania, Chile, Estonia and Brazil since 1997.

According to Daily Mail two minesweepers, namely HMS Cottesmore and HMS Dulverton, were given to Lithuania for free in November last year.

The British defense minister refused to say why no money was charged, saying the arrangement was "commercially sensitive".

According to the Daily Mail, Romania bought HMS London and HMS Coventry and the sales were controversial as it was revealed that of the 116 million pounds paid for the Type 22 frigates, the British taxpayer received only 200,000 pounds. The remainder went to British arms giant BAE Systems to refurbish them.

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