Cluj-Napoca Mayor: City’s Planned Subway To Have Electric Battery Trains

The mayor of Cluj-Napoca, Emil Boc, announced on Thursday that the City Hall is close to validating the pre-feasibility study for the planned subway, adding that trains will function entirely on electric batteries instead of relying on third rails.


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Cluj-Napoca Mayor: City’s Planned Subway To Have Electric Battery Trains

The study will estimate a total cost of the investment and the subway’s route.

“We’ve hired a consultant who helped us draft the whitepaper, and the technical team visited the Bucharest subway to see exactly the situation there. What we propose is to take into account the future evolution of technology, and not the current situation of the Bucharest subway, as the subway of the future will not work on third rails as it is today, but with electric batteries,” said the Cluj-Napoca mayor.

According to Boc, the technology will also help reduce the costs of the projects, as tunnels would be smaller than those required by the current subway technology.


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