Corruption Still Serious Issue In Romania – USA State Dept Report

Corruption was still a serious issue in Romanian institutions in 2009, including the judiciary and law enforcement branches, according to the U.S. Department of State’s International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, which criticized the difficulty in obtaining convictions.


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Corruption Still Serious Issue In Romania – USA State Dept Report

"Corruption remains a serious problem within the Romanian government, including within the judiciary and law enforcement branches. Convictions for many crimes, including drug-related crimes, were difficult to obtain, and as many as fifty percent of those convicted do not serve their full sentences," says the document, published on Tuesday.

Between January and September 2009, 713 people were indicted for drug-related crimes such as drug and precursor trafficking, possession, and consumption. According to the report, 5,506 cases were opened in this period - of these 4,061 cases were suspended or dropped. 1,622 people were taken to trial in this period, including 38 minors. The total number of drug-related cases in 2008 numbered 3,103 and only 2,403 through September 2009.

The report notes that Romania does not encourage or facilitate illicit production or distribution of narcotic or psychotropic drugs, nor the laundering of proceeds from illegal drug transactions.

"There is no evidence that senior Romanian officials engage in, encourage, or facilitate the illicit production or distribution of dangerous drugs or substances, or launder proceeds from illegal transactions," the report says.

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