Romania Auto Auth Mulls Annually Conformity Checks For Cars Over 7 Yrs Old

Cars over seven years old might be checked annually for conformity with regulations in the field instead of once every two years, the Romanian Automobile Registry, or RAR, said Tuesday.


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Romania Auto Auth Mulls Annually Conformity Checks For Cars Over 7 Yrs Old

“We expect a decision from the authorities on whether our proposal is feasible or not,” RAR’s technical manager Flavius Campeanu said at the “Mediafax talks about Auto Industry” conference.
Campeanu said RAR already forwarded a proposition on the matter to the National Environment Agency, Bucharest mayoralty, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of
Environment and to the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
According to Campeanu, RAR also plans to build a test track near capital city Bucharest, meant for testing and certifying cars that undergo major tuning.
The project is estimated at EUR30 million and RAR is currently searching for partners, Campeanu said.
“Renault informed us they are interested in the project,” he mentioned.
Campeanu said the test track might be completed by the end of next year.

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