Romanian Economic, Social Council Fails To Issue Stance On Wage Bill As Unions Boycott Meeting

Romania’s Economic and Social Council Tuesday lacked the required quorum to adopt a stance on the country’s IMF-required unitary wage bill after unionists boycotted the council’s plenary meeting.


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Romanian Economic, Social Council Fails To Issue Stance On Wage Bill As Unions Boycott Meeting

Union representatives told Prime Minister Emil Boc in an open letter Tuesday they would not attend the council meeting, displeased the Government has not had real consultations with unionists on the law regulating wages in the public sector.

Labor Ministry state secretary Valentin Mocanu said legislative procedures regarding the wage bill can continue without the council's stance, as formal consultation procedures have been followed.

Government spokeswoman Ioana Muntean said Monday the Executive could not approve the unitary wage law Monday because it had not received a stance form the Economic and Social Council and postponed its approval for Wednesday.

The Executive planned to approve the unitary wage law Monday and send it to Parliament immediately with a view to seeking a confidence vote to pass it into legislation.

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