Romanian Govt Wants To Allot Redirected EU Funds To Develop High-Power Laser

The Romanian Government’s priorities in allotting redirected EU funds are the development in Magurele, southern Romania, of a high-power laser of over EUR200 million, the projects regarding the thermal rehabilitation of homes and road upgrade projects, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday.


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Romanian Govt Wants To Allot Redirected EU Funds To Develop High-Power Laser

Speaking at a meeting of the National Council for Competitiveness, Boc said the Government has already sent to the European Commission requests for fund redirection.

The Government decided to allot EU funds to develop a high-power laser that could be used in various fields, said Boc.

EU funds will also be redirected for the thermal rehabilitation of homes, as well as to complete road infrastructure projects on Pan-European transport corridor IV.

Education Minister Daniel Funeriu said last year, Romania will develop in Magurele a high-power laser that could be used in various fields, like medical research or nuclear waste neutralization. He said the project is financed with European funds amounting to EUR280 million.

Regional Development Minister Elena Udrea said Friday the European Commission agreed to direct EUR360 million for the thermal rehabilitation of homes from other operational programs.

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